Awake Your True Glow


BARGO BONNIE (바르고보니) delivers the meaning 

"You will experience a soothing sensation of

moisture and relaxation in your skin after applying"

Our products are designed for individuals in their

30s to 40s who are seeking effective anti-aging solutions,

and who also wish to contribute to the well-being of the planet.

바르고보니는 프리미엄 비건 뷰티 브랜드로서 자신 "본래의 맑고 아름다운 피부로 

돌아가도록 (Unlock Your Skin’s True Shape)" 도와주는 안티에이징 + 보습 스킨케어를 제안합니다.

Bargo Bonnie (바르고+보니) 의 의미를 통해

화장품을 바르고 보니 "하루 종일 촉촉하고 편안한 피부의 시작" 이라는 마음을 담았습니다.

바르고보니는 안티에이징을 고려하는 30’s~40’s 고객을 위한 따듯하고 품위 있는 경험을 추구합니다.

"제품을 기획하고 제조하는 모든 과정에서 동물을 보호하기 위해 노력합니다"

"유해한 화학성분을 최대한 배제하고 자연에서 유래한 성분들로 건강하고 안전한 제품을 제안합니다"

"원료부터 화장품 용기 그리고 포장재까지 친환경적으로 환경을 개선하기 위해 끊임없이 노력합니다"

Bargo Bonnie is an earth conscious vegan brand with effective formulations to slow down

aging process.

Our mission is to help you to

awake the true glow in your skin by

re-building your skin barrier, and to the extend, to slow down aging process of your skin.

Embrace a new level of beauty with

our transformative skincare solutions.

Feel the firmness of your skin every day with Bargo Bonnie!

Awake Your True Glow


BARGO BONNIE (바르고보니) delivers the meaning —

you will experience a soothing sensation of

moisture and relaxation in your skin after applying.

Our products are designed for individuals in their

30s to 40s who are seeking effective anti-aging solutions,

and who also wish to contribute to the well-being of the planet.

Bargo Bonnie is an earth conscious vegan brand

with effective formulations to

slow down aging process.

Our mission is to help you to

awake the true glow in your skin by

re-building your skin barrier, and to the extend,

to slow down aging process of your skin.

Embrace a new level of beauty with

our transformative skincare solutions.

Feel the firmness of your skin every day with Bargo Bonnie!


Sign up to our newsletter to receive exclusive offers. 

주식회사 브릿지하우스 Bridge House Inc. 

경기도 화성시 동탄영천로 131, 930호 / 930, 131 Dongtanyeongcheon-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (18467)

대표자명: 송민철 / CEO: Mincheol Song 

Tel: +82 (0)505 871 0247          Email:

사업자등록번호: 475-88-02476    통신판매업신고: 2023-화성동탄-1856

개인정보관리자: 송민철                 입금계좌: 하나은행  346-910027-74904

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